Our partners

An ecosystem to amplify our action

FABRILABO is an integral part of an ecosystem of partners including federations, unions, and associations, which gives it greater strength.

Partenaires Fabrilabo

FIMFédération des Industries Mécaniques : www.fim.net
UNMUnion de Normalisation de la Mécanique : www.unm.fr
LNELaboratoire national de métrologie et d’essais : www.lne.fr
GambicaOrganization representing the interests of Companies in the fields of instrumentation, control, automation and laboratory technologies: www.gambica.org.uk/
SpectarisGerman association representing companies in the fields of medical, optical, analytical, biological, ophthalmological and laboratory equipment technologies: http://www.spectaris.de
LabmasSpanish Association of Laboratory Manufacturers: www.labmas.es
business-francefor the development and international success of companies: www.businessfrance.fr
euromEuropean committee of trade unions and associations in the field of laboratory equipment and apparatus: http://eurom.org/committees/eurom-ii/
Reseau-Mesurean association of companies specializing in instrumentation, measurement and related activities: www.reseau-mesure.com
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